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Did you know that the majority of severance offers from employers are not fair?
Employers often give you a limited time from your dismissal date, to decide on their offer. If you have been let go, it is a good idea to seek legal advice before accepting any offer.
When employees are terminated, it can happen in different ways. If an employer has a justified reason to terminate your employment, they don’t have to give you any notice or severance. This is rare, and it can be difficult for employers to prove they had a good reason or that you were terminated “with cause.”
If your employer doesn’t have just cause, there are guidelines within the Employment Standards Act about how much notice or severance money they should give you. The minimums set out are the lowest amount they have to pay you, but in Alberta, most people should get more. Depending on how old you are, what your job was, how long you worked, and how important you were at work, you might get more notice or more money according to the law. This could also include things like benefits, extra pay, overtime, or retirement savings.